What a bunch of days, and things to have happen within them.
Monday-Friday: Work, work work, work work work.
Saturday: Son visiting home, sister-in-law and brother-in-law stop by, usual Saturday activities of house chores and errands, and then, in evening, going to the Rader Family concert in the intersection of Harrison and Fourth in downtown Panama City during Oktoberfest. Some photos:

(She doesn't look as enthusiastic as he does, does she?)
Sunday: Still visiting with folks, lunch at Coram's on 23rd Street, and head over to see The Phantom Tollbooth at Gulf Coast Community College. I laughed until I cried, as much because of the antics of the actors as because I know some of the kids personally and it was HIGHlarious seeing them act up like that. Here are some photos of the meet-and-greet outside the theatre after the show:

Meanwhile, we've been prepping for an epic yardsale (100s of CDs, DVDs, books, comics, magazines, etc. -- watch for the ad) -- and I've been searching the interwebs for freelance work, gathering samples, etc. Got to get some liquidity up in here.
All that to say: Not much creative writing going on. HOWEVER, I spent a sleepless night this weekend plotting a short film based on some crazy ideas I've had bubbling in the recesses for a while. Total cast: 2 (already cast). Total lines of dialogue: 1. Total run time, less than 5 minutes, depending on editing and timing. Anybody want to help out? All I'll say is it involves a girl, a baseball bat, high-tension power lines, an aluminum foil hat, and a zombie (of course).
Okay, so I'll get back to you on that as it develops.