Thursday, November 11, 2010

The Body and the Blood

My friend Michael Lister had a book launch party this evening at the lovely home of John Robert and Kaye Middlemas. I stopped by to support him and see some friends I don't get to see often enough, and it produced wonderful and heart-touching moments.

Michael was gracious and shared the spotlight by thanking me for my support for the arts and for his efforts over the years, and many people came up to thank me for the story and column I wrote about Barbara Clemons' passing recently.

But this was Michael's night, and well deserved. He was introduced by John Robert and by Bettina Mead, and he spoke about his calling as an artist and author, and he read from his new novel (the review for which you can find here.) Congrats, my friend, and keep up the good work.


Cate Noble said...

I was browsing through Borders, Pier Park, and found a nice display of Lister's works. Bay County has some amazing talent.

Unknown said...

What is that ethereal light hovering between Michael and his book?