Wednesday, March 05, 2014

I am the Night

My friend, Jayson Kretzer, is an artist. He did the cover of DRAGON RISING. He has begun doing "warmup sketches" every couple of days based on the Twitter handles of his followers. The first one he did was inspired by writer Jen Foehner Wells' Lovecraftian nickname:
"Jenthulhu." Awesome, right?
Today, I was blessed to be the subject of his pen. Or at least, my Twitter name was: 
"MidnightOnMars." Get it?
I was about to ask Jayson which of these creatures represented me, when I realized that I am the night. I am a concept. A fact of Nature. A time and place. (At least, that is, my Twitter name is.)

Thanks, Jayson. You made my week.

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