Wednesday, November 04, 2009

A couple of things, and then goodbye

... that is, if you are expecting any further email notices from Feedblitz after this week. Just saying. You can come to the site and sign up with Google and get alerts (and have your photo in my box of followers).

Meanwhile, here are my latest freelance pieces you might enjoy:

Delta Bluesman Slim Fatz is an American Original
Top 10 Tips for your First Sci-Fi or Comic Con

Tonight, I was well into a piece on dealing with holiday blues when the "easy back" function of IE7 made the page go back when I drifted left with my finger on the laptop's touch pad. What does that mean? All my work was lost in cyberlimbo. The frustration was mightier than my will to continue. I'll go back to it tomorrow.

And now for something completely different:

I had a nice discussion with Kathy Bennett about the upcoming visit of Michael Morris. Kathy is the sister of our current Panama City mayor, quite a sweet person, and a literary agent and publicist for some of my favorite regional authors. Michael is the talented writer of Slow Way Home, and the only person who has ever claimed in public (or at least in a group of other writers) to be my cousin when he is, in fact, not. We have similar senses of humor, I think. I hope to spend some time in the weeks to come talking with them and sharing those talks with you.

Check out the links. And buy Michael's book(s).


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