Sunday, February 07, 2010

Books Alive wrap-up

Saturday was Books Alive at Gulf Coast Community College. I'm sticking to a photo blog today to share some shots from the event.
First up are Wanda Tucker Goodwin and her dad, Ken Tucker, 84. I interviewed Ken about 8 years ago or so when a friend gave him the gift of that model on the table. Ken was a tailgunner on the B17 bomber "Kwitcherbitchin" flying out of Italy into Germany during the last months of World War II. Wanda helped him write. self publish and market his memoir, Last Roll Call. Hit the link for more info.
Next up are Michael Lister and Dean Lincoln Minton (better known locally as "Deano," a characiture artist.) Michael's new book, Thunder Beach, is due out in April. Deano has a novel, The Universal Essence, being published by Michael's company, Pottersville Press. (The same outfit that published my novel, Welcome to the Dawning of a New Century.) Einstein was just there to lend his support.

This last shot is from the last session of the day that I attended/moderated. That's Karen Zacharias, Daniel Wallace, and Patti Callahan Henry, left to right, who giggled their way through a discussion of how they got published, and answered questions about agents and movie rights and more. Please check the links for more about this great trio of very different writers.

Karen blogged about the happenings in PC and put up a photo of her and me that Debra shot, as well as a link back to my blog. She just scored a 10 on the Awesome Scale of Awesomeness, which I just created because she was so awesome.

(Speaking of awesome, I was so enthralled listening to Daniel during his morning session that I actually forgot to take a picture. Considering I'm supposed to be a journalist, I pretty much consider that Epic Fail.)

In the coming days, I'll post things I gleaned from listening to their presentations, and hopefully communicate some of the personality they shared as well. These are good folks, and fun to be around. I'm glad to have met them. You should check out their websites and order their books.


1 comment:

Karen Zacharias said...

Awesomeness of Awesome. That's so awesome, Tony. I'm honored.